Create countdown timer
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First, you need to create a timer countdown then you can use it in the product or anywhere in WordPress.
You need to attention to the following important settings:
Type countdown timer: There are 3 types
Only timer in WordPress: This type helps you to only display the timer in WordPress (anywhere shortcode is supported) by shortcode.
Bar timer in WordPress: This type helps you to only display the bar timer countdown in WordPress (anywhere shortcode is supported) by shortcode.
Timer in WooCommerce: This type helps you to display the timer countdown in WooCommerce products. In product or setting, you choose timer countdown when created timer countdown.
Style: You have 6 styles of the countdown timer
Date from, Date to for timer countdown to work. if date from is greater than current time then date from will be used for timer countdown to work. If date from is less than current time and date to is greater current time then date to will be used for timer countdown to work. If current time is greater date to or empty date from, date to timer count down will not display.
Label Days: You can change text day
Label Hours: You can change text hour
Label Minute: You can change text minute
Label Seconds: You can change text seconds
Size countdown timer: Change size of countdown timer. You have 3 size: small, mediu and large
Margin bottom timer: margin bottom of timer countdown. Example insert input: 20px
Color main: you can change olor main of timer countdown depending on type timer coundown(background color or border color,...)
Color timer: You can change color number time of timer countdown
Color label: You can change color label (Days, hours, minute, second)
Background color label: You can change background label (Days, hours, minute, second)
Style: You have 6 types of the countdown timer.
Title: You can change text title of timer countdown bar
Text Button: You can change text button of timer countdown bar
Link Button: You can change link Button of timer countdown bar.
Padding top bottom bar: You can change padding top and padding bottom (increase height bar). Example: 20px
Padding left right Bar: You can change padding left, padding right bar timer countdown
Background color bar: You can change background color bar
Font size title bar: Change font size title bar. Example: 20px
Width title: Change width title by %. Example: 50%;
Color title: Change color title of bar timer countdown
Font size button: Change font size of button bar timer countdown
Width button, Height button: You can change width and height button in bar timer countdown by px. Example: 100px
Color button: You can change color button in bar timer countdown
Background color button: You can change background color button timer countdown.
Color button hover: Change color button when hover mouse
Background color button hover: Change background color button when hover mouse
Other setting: Like setting of type Only timer in wordpress
Style: You have 6 types of the countdown timer.
Message upcoming: Text display when product upcoming sale
Message onsale: Text display when product on sale.
Label Days, Label Hours, Label Minute, Label Seconds, ... like setting of type Only timer in WordPress.
Margin top message: You can change margin top message. Example: 20px
Margin bottom message: You can change margin bottom message. Example: 20px
Font size message: You can change font size message
Color message: You can change color message
Margin bottom bar: You can change margin bottom bar. Example: 20px
Font size bar: You can change font size text bar. Example: 20px;
Color bar: You can change color text bar
Height bar: You can change height bar
Background Color bar: you can change background bar
Background color bar (sold): You can change background color bar sold